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Why skin dries so: features of spring care
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How to stay healthy with a bad environment

More and more people in the world pay attention to the state of the environment and its relationship with health. The state of nature, the environment around us, the air, the foods we eat, etc. directly related to the processes occurring in the human body. Therefore, today, when on the third Saturday of April, when the Environment Day is celebrated in Ukraine, it’s time to recall how a person influenced nature, and nature influenced his health.
The impact of ecology and the environment on human health
The better the ecological situation – the stronger the physical health of the person. Also being in nature helps to improve the psycho-emotional state, improves mood and reduces the manifestation of chronic diseases. Children are most susceptible to the influence of natural factors: the unfavorable ecological situation makes them more susceptible to environmental diseases than adults. Every day we inhale a mass of harmful substances in the air, and harmful compounds also enter our body through contact with the skin.

Poor ecology causes diseases of the organs of vision, toxic substances accumulate in tissues, bone tissue, lymph nodes, can cause cramps in the vocal cords, etc. The increase in the incidence of bronchial asthma, bronchitis and allergies is also associated with environmental degradation. Also, poor ecology leads to diseases of internal organs, reduces the body’s defenses, can cause infertility, genetic changes. Against the background of an unfavorable ecological situation, a person himself exacerbates the negative impact of the environment on health by his bad habits. Smoking, alcohol, unhealthy food, constantly staying in ecologically polluted areas, stress – all these factors lead to even greater health problems.
The main enemy of the health of urban residents – the car?
Despite the fact that industrial facilities are mainly located outside the city limits, the air in cities, especially large ones, did not become cleaner. The main air pollutant in cities is cars, the number of which is increasing every day. Colossal harm to health is caused not only by exhaust gases, but also the smallest particles of dust, which are formed during friction of automobile tires against asphalt. Such dust not only irritates the respiratory tract of a person, entering the body through inhalation of air, but is also a carcinogenic (cancer-provoking factor).

Therefore, people who practice jogging through the streets with car traffic do not heal, but on the contrary, breathe harmful substances.
Trees, shrubs and other plants help reduce the level of harmful components in the air. Therefore, for life it is better to choose housing near parks, squares or forest area. In the same green areas should be jogging, walking or playing sports.
How to reduce the impact of bad ecology on the human body
Not everyone has the opportunity and desire to move to ecologically clean areas for living. And not everyone can afford to constantly go to the sea, the mountains, etc. Therefore, try to be more often in clean areas of your city, go out of town, spend time in parks, squares, walk in the forest. Arrange your own “forest” at home or at work: palm tree, dracaena, chlorophytum, and ivy English belong to useful indoor plants.

Various air purifiers and humidifiers will help to make the air in the rooms cleaner: also do not forget to ventilate the apartment or the house at night, and not at the height of the working day, especially if there is a motorway nearby. Say no to smoking and harmful products. The right foods and drinks should prevail in the diet: green tea, dogrose broth, fruits (apricots, citrus fruits, currants, grapes), vegetables (eggplants, broccoli, zucchini, greens), not fatty, fried foods and various ketchups, sausage and others products containing carcinogens.

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