Consequences of lack of sun: how to defeat depression and strengthen the immune system
Finally, sunny days have come, but many of us still feel lethargic, irritated, and “do not crawl out” of colds. The past winter was long and the lack of sunlight…

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Dangerous rhinitis or how not to miss sinusitis
Changeable spring weather turns for many of us a cold. Often we overcool in the morning, dressed not for the weather, and by the evening we feel unwell, a runny…

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How to stay healthy with a bad environment
More and more people in the world pay attention to the state of the environment and its relationship with health. The state of nature, the environment around us, the air,…

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Heaviness in the stomach: is it worth paying attention?
The feeling of heaviness in the stomach at least once experienced each of us. In many cases, the appearance of the feeling of "stone" in the stomach leads to errors…


Sensitive skin: diagnosis or feature?

With the onset of summer, some people begin to be bothered by skin irritations. Redness, rashes, inflamed areas of skin or vice versa – peeling and burning of the skin are not necessarily symptoms of allergies or any skin disease. You just have sensitive skin, which at the slightest change in air temperature, makeup products or skin care products, sunlight, etc. so reacts. In most cases, white-skinned people with dry skin type face such problems.
Why some people have too sensitive skin
Owners of sensitive skin when exposed to wind or sun, heat, humidity, etc. notice literally in 5-10 minutes burning and irritation, tingling, itching, swelling or redness. Most often, such a reaction of sensitive skin to any irritant occurs on the face, neck, decollete, buttocks. Sensitive skin can be both from birth and under the influence of certain factors.

For example, hormonal imbalance, frequent stress, overwork, tendency to allergic reactions can cause increased skin sensitivity. In addition, improper care of the skin, as well as excessive enthusiasm for various cleansing – peeling, mechanical and thermal procedures, etc., contribute to excessive irritability of the skin. Irrational and improper diet can also cause excessive skin sensitivity.
How to reduce excessive skin sensitivity
If the cause of excessive skin sensitivity is caused by hormonal changes or chronic diseases, then only a specialist will help to correct the situation. Here you will need a comprehensive examination by a therapist, endocrinologist, gynecologist. You can help your skin react to various irritants less: for this, pay attention to your diet. Alcohol, coffee, strong tea, “soda”, chocolate increase nervous excitability, which in turn leads to different reactions on the skin.

Especially negative effect on any skin – and even more so on sensitive, smoking. It is important to avoid quarrels, overwork, or time to get rid of stress, not accumulating negative emotions. A sharp temperature drop also has a negative effect on sensitive skin, so try to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and use sunscreen.
How to properly care for sensitive skin
Sensitive skin, like any other, needs care. It is important to choose the right means so as not to cause an even stronger inflammatory reaction or excessive dryness of the skin. Thermal or contrast treatments, lotions containing alcohol, products with retinoids and glycolic acid for sensitive skin are not recommended. It is better not to engage in experiments, at the risk of harming the skin even more, and seek help from a dermatologist and a cosmetologist: the experts will develop an individual skin care program for you.

Perhaps you should use cleansing soft remedies only in the evening. And morning washing to do without any cleansers. Hot or cold water can further enhance the reaction, so wash better with warm or “room” water (18-25 degrees). For sensitive dry skin in the hot season it is important to moisturize not only in the morning, but also during the day and the use of products with UV components. And with sensitive oily skin, day care products, on the contrary, can cause additional oily skin.

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Proper nutrition and diet: what's the difference?
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