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Neurosis – a disease of modern society: how to save the nervous system

Constant stress, congestion at work, conflicts, etc. deplete the human nervous system. Long-term traumatic situations lead to the development of psychological disorders – neuroses. As a result, the nervous system exhausted by neuroses gives the person to know about the arisen health problem, rapid fatigue, sleep disorders, anxiety, apathy, etc. But not always the person, exhausted by neuroses, seeks medical help. As a result, his quality of life is getting worse and worse.
Causes of neurosis
According to medical statistics, urban residents are more susceptible to neuroses than rural people: more than 25% of residents in large cities suffer from neurotic disorders. The concept of “neurosis” combines several groups of psychological disorders, the cause of which are traumatic psyche situations. Thus, it is not only long-term tense situations that do not resolve for a long time, leading to exhaustion of the nervous system. Neurosis can develop due to the personality traits of a person: workaholics, people who are too sensitive, people with low self-esteem, or vice versa – hyper-responsible.

Neuroses are more susceptible to people with an innate asthenic type of nervous system, which is characterized by rapid exhaustion. However, physiological factors can also lead to neurotic conditions: osteochondrosis of the cervical region, in which the blood flow and nutrition of the brain are disturbed, frequent diseases that deplete the body, especially of an infectious nature, vitamin deficiencies (vitamin deficiencies), etc.
How to suspect neurosis: symptoms of the disease
Neuroses manifest psycho-emotional symptoms, when a person does not control his behavior, etc., as well as physical health problems – from sleep disorders and “jumping” blood pressure to digestive disorders. So, on the psycho-emotional level, when a person’s neurosis develops:
Abrupt changes in behavior, mood swings for no apparent reason.
Infantilism (in adults), tearfulness, irritability
Anxiety, up to the development of panic attacks, in which a person falls into a faint state, is afraid to suffocate from lack of air, etc.
The physical symptoms of neurosis include:
Weakness and fatigue
Insomnia, hypersensitivity to light, loud sound, etc.
Differences in blood pressure, tachycardia, pain in the heart area
Decreased libido (sexual desire).
Treatment and prevention of neurosis
Neuroses spoil life for us and our loved ones, therefore, it is important and necessary to treat this condition. It is the task of the neurologist and the psychologist to help eliminate the psycho-traumatic human factor, to restore the vitality of the body. Talking heart to heart with a close friend “for a glass”, etc. they will give only a temporary effect, since the main problem of neurosis will not be eliminated. And if the condition is caused by physiological factors, then the problem cannot be corrected without examination and correctly selected therapy.

To avoid neurosis, it is important not only to find your own way to deal with stress, but also to promptly treat neurological diseases that occur (osteochondrosis, intervertebral protrusions and hernias, migraines, etc.), since they also contribute to the development of neurosis. Massage, swimming, yoga and various meditative practices, balanced nutrition, taking vitamin complexes, proper rest and observing sleep patterns, physical activity, etc. will help to get rid of the accumulated stress, relieve the nervous system and increase the body’s resistance to various factors provoking nervous disorders.

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