Why you need to protect your eyes from the sun: damage to UV rays
The sun's rays contribute not only to the production of vitamin D and a beautiful tan. The ozone layer of the atmosphere is getting thinner every year and the ultraviolet…

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Pustular skin diseases: how to avoid them?
Our skin not only protects the body from the action of the external environment, it participates in the processes of respiration, metabolism, thermoregulation, etc. Like other organs, the skin often…

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Chest pain: when the problem is in the heart
Chest pains can be caused by a variety of diseases and conditions. And they are not always the signal of malfunctions in the cardiovascular system. But any pain or acute…

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Poor blood clotting: who faces hemophilia
The causes of blood clotting disorders are numerous, including hereditary diseases. One such serious disease is hemophilia (from the Latin heme - blood, philosophy - to love). Women are carriers…


facial massage

Cervical erosion: what is it and what is dangerous?

Cervical erosion conceals threats that every woman needs to be aware of. This gynecological disease, which occupies one of the first places in the world. Statistics show that half of women on the planet face it. But not all of them know about it.
What is cervical erosion, and what are the types of illness?
The disease is a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane around the external osmosis of the cervix. These disorders are ulcers. Continue reading

Digestive disorders: remove the effects of holidays

After Easter holidays, many have digestive disorders. After observing fasting, not everyone can withstand a gradual return to the usual diet and overload the digestive organs with fatty and fried foods, alcohol. Yes, and those who did not adhere to the post, in the process of celebration often can not avoid overeating. As a result, the stomach, pancreas, liver and gall bladder, intestines, which have to work with a double or even triple load, suffer. As a result, abdominal heaviness, nausea, bloating and flatulence, diarrhea (diarrhea), heartburn and other symptoms of indigestion (dyspepsia) appear. Continue reading

Why skin dries so: features of spring care

After a long winter, the skin of the face looks tired. Many people are also worried about excessive dryness and flaking of not only the skin of the face, but also the hands, and especially the legs in the area from the knee to the ankle. Regardless of age and type of skin, she needs constant care, especially in the offseason.
It is still cold: focus on gentle procedures Continue reading

What is the difference between a nephrologist and a urologist?
What is the difference between a urologist and a nephrologist? A urologist is a doctor who treats diseases of the entire genitourinary system (kidney, bladder, urethra) with the help of,…


Spring childhood diseases
To insure a child completely against childhood diseases is impossible. With the onset of the long-awaited spring, babies often begin to get sick with certain ailments. Therefore, it is important…
