Chest pain: when the problem is in the heart
Chest pains can be caused by a variety of diseases and conditions. And they are not always the signal of malfunctions in the cardiovascular system. But any pain or acute…

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Why does myopia occur?
Visual impairment such as myopia is quite common. Myopia or myopia may be caused by a hereditary factor, or it may develop due to constant overextension of the eye muscles…

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If it were not for vaccinations ... Who risks more by refusing vaccination
For the last couple of decades, society has split into opponents and supporters of immunization. As a result, the consequences of massive vaccination refusals were the increasing frequency of almost…

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Is it possible to avoid tooth decay: the secret of healthy teeth
Dental caries is the most common reason for going to the dentist. Caries is the slow destruction of dentin and enamel (hard dental tissue). This process begins asymptomatically and can…


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Crunches joints: a disease or a feature of the body?

We recall the important role in the life of a person in joints when problems arise with them. Many questions and concerns cause a crunch in the joints: what is it, a signal to the body about health problems or just a hint that you need to be more physically active? Crunchy joints are not always a symptom of the disease, often the causes are less dramatic. But in order to be calm, it is important to understand why the joints make crispy sounds at all, and whether it is worth running to the doctor in your case. Continue reading

Cervical erosion: what is it and what is dangerous?

Cervical erosion conceals threats that every woman needs to be aware of. This gynecological disease, which occupies one of the first places in the world. Statistics show that half of women on the planet face it. But not all of them know about it.
What is cervical erosion, and what are the types of illness?
The disease is a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane around the external osmosis of the cervix. These disorders are ulcers. Continue reading

Down syndrome: why are "sunny children" born?
About Down Syndrome - a genetic abnormality, heard each of us. It is today, March 21, that the international community celebrates the International Day of People with this Disease. Every…


Why do we suffer from allergies: treat or ignore?
In some people, seemingly completely “harmless” plants or animals can cause a strong allergic reaction. Some people, with the arrival of spring, rejoice in blooming flowers and trees, while others…
