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Diseases of dirty hands: the season of intestinal infections has begun

On the eve of summer heat and massive picnics, the theme of intestinal infections becomes relevant in nature. We often suffer from intestinal disorders because of non-compliance with the rules of handling hands, foods and improper food storage. Pathogens of intestinal infections often enter the body with food or through dirty hands. Therefore acute intestinal diseases (GKZ) are also called “illnesses of dirty hands”. It’s time to recall the main measures for the prevention of intestinal infections in order to preserve health for themselves and loved ones.
How is intestinal infections?
Pathogens of various infectious diseases can be found in thermally untreated and dirty products, in the soil, on the surfaces of the doors, etc. The germs remain on their hands, if not wash them after visiting the toilet, after working in the garden or in the garden. If you do not wash your hands and touch your face, take food, bite nails, etc., it’s easy to get infected with GKZ. In summer, the high temperature of the air further promotes the activation of microbes and infection of intestinal infections.

Intestinal disorders often affect small children, because knowing the world around, they touch hands with earth, sand, animals, tearing flowers and plants, and then pulling dirty hands in the mouth. People with impaired immunity are also more susceptible to intestinal infections. To get infected with GKZ it is possible to eat stale meal, therefore it is important to store, process the products and not to buy ready food (fast food, pies, etc.) in natural spheres where obviously unsanitary conditions are noticeable.
Symptoms of intestinal infection and food poisoning
To intestinal infectious diseases include diseases such as dysentery, salmonella, staphylococcal infection, eshirhiasis, and others. Depending on the type of pathogen, the degree of infection and the strength of the human immunity, intestinal infections may appear as acute symptoms, and only abdominal pain. The main signs of an intestinal disorder are:
nausea, vomiting
diarrhea (diarrhea)
high temperature
abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence
strong thirst, dry mouth.
If, in addition to the above symptoms in humans, there is also an emptying of the intestine more than 8 times a day, the temperature has reached 39 ° C or higher, there is a strong weakness, then the patient needs to be urgently hospitalized.
How To Avoid Intestinal Infections
If you suspect an intestinal infection, you should not engage in self-medication, take antibiotics yourself or use folk remedies. Because only a specialist can find out the true cause of the disease and find the right method of treatment. Prior to the arrival of a “quick” victim, more fluid should be used and vomit if not present. Remember the simple rules for the prevention of intestinal infections: first, do not forget to wash hands thoroughly after visiting the toilet, returning from the street and before using and cooking.

Separately store raw and ready-to-eat foods, thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits before use, heat the meat, eggs and seafood well. It is important to keep the ready meal properly: ready-made dishes should be placed in the fridge immediately after they have cooled down. Drink only purified or boiled water. Do not buy ready-made food on spontaneous markets or if you suspect that products have been leaking in the heat all day long. And especially watch out for young children so they are less dragged into the mouth dirty hands and different things.

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