Consequences of lack of sun: how to defeat depression and strengthen the immune system
Finally, sunny days have come, but many of us still feel lethargic, irritated, and “do not crawl out” of colds. The past winter was long and the lack of sunlight…

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What is the difference between a nephrologist and a urologist?
What is the difference between a urologist and a nephrologist? A urologist is a doctor who treats diseases of the entire genitourinary system (kidney, bladder, urethra) with the help of,…

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Why do we suffer from allergies: treat or ignore?
In some people, seemingly completely “harmless” plants or animals can cause a strong allergic reaction. Some people, with the arrival of spring, rejoice in blooming flowers and trees, while others…

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How to recognize kidney problems
What can kidneys suffer from? It is the kidneys that are responsible for the release of many harmful substances from our body, therefore their normal functioning is so important. However,…


adolescents are more susceptible

Causes of summer sore throat: how to treat a sore throat

Summer sore throat – the disease is quite common. Hypothermia, cold drinks and ice cream, long stay under the air conditioner are factors contributing to the development of the disease. Angina or acute tonsillitis (the medical term for this ailment) is called an inflammatory process in the tonsils caused by an infection. In most cases, acute tonsillitis is caused by staphylococci and streptococci. But from where the microbes are taken there, let’s understand.
Summer sore throat: why are some sick and others not? Continue reading

Summer skin diseases: how to avoid allergies or acne?

In the hot season there are many problems with the skin. Excess moisture and heat causes prickly heat, insect bites cause an allergic reaction, and excessive sun exposure causes fungal skin diseases. The minimum of clothing, visiting the beaches, contacts with various surfaces, on which many organisms accumulate in the heat, predispose to various skin problems. To avoid summer skin diseases, it is important, as they say, “to know the enemy by sight”.
Why is it easier in summer to “catch” the fungus? Continue reading

Diseases of dirty hands: the season of intestinal infections has begun

On the eve of summer heat and massive picnics, the theme of intestinal infections becomes relevant in nature. We often suffer from intestinal disorders because of non-compliance with the rules of handling hands, foods and improper food storage. Pathogens of intestinal infections often enter the body with food or through dirty hands. Therefore acute intestinal diseases (GKZ) are also called “illnesses of dirty hands”. It’s time to recall the main measures for the prevention of intestinal infections in order to preserve health for themselves and loved ones.
How is intestinal infections? Continue reading

How to get rid of wrinkles without "chemistry" and operations
At any age, most women (and men too) want to look young. Age-related skin aging cannot be avoided by anyone, but wrinkles can and should be prevented, then it is…


How to get rid of wrinkles without "chemistry" and operations
At any age, most women (and men too) want to look young. Age-related skin aging cannot be avoided by anyone, but wrinkles can and should be prevented, then it is…
