Why do we suffer from allergies: treat or ignore?
In some people, seemingly completely “harmless” plants or animals can cause a strong allergic reaction. Some people, with the arrival of spring, rejoice in blooming flowers and trees, while others…

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Inflammation of the eye vessels
Tired eyes, flies, or sharply dropped vision can be signs of problems with eye vessels. After all, the eyes, like any organ, have a choroid. In ophthalmic practice, inflammatory processes…

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Dangerous rhinitis or how not to miss sinusitis
Changeable spring weather turns for many of us a cold. Often we overcool in the morning, dressed not for the weather, and by the evening we feel unwell, a runny…

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Severe ear pain: complications and prevention of otitis media
Protracted winter weather contributes to the occurrence of inflammatory processes, including in the ears. The human ear has three sections: the inner, middle and outer ear. However, the inflammatory process…


What should be eaten during radiation therapy?

To reduce the negative effects of radiation therapy, you need to give the body only healthy foods using proper nutrition. It is better to change the diet before the start of therapy, to adhere to it during and after the course of the rays.

General principles of nutrition during radiation therapy
Food should be based on such ambushes:
The diet should be made up of products that are saturated with vitamins, beams, macro-and micronutrients, polyunsaturated fats;
Be sure to use products that have in the composition of pectin. It reduces the number of radionuclides and contributes to their removal from the body;
Be sure to use fluid (an adult with a weight of 70 kg should consume 2-2.8 liters per day);
It is necessary to reduce the presence of products that are composed of lactose, saturated fats, yeast dough, sugar. If radiation therapy is carried out on the digestive system, it is necessary to minimize the consumption of dietary fiber (fiber).
Do not eat dishes prepared by smoking and frying, as well as spicy dishes and products. As well as carbonated, caffeine drinks and confectionery fat.
Meals should be boiled, steamed or stewed.
What kind of products need to be eaten?

Fill your diet with such products:
Fish, preferably sea;
Meat, better white and offal;
Eggs, quail and chicken;
Fresh greens from the garden;
Vegetables, fresh;
Berries, fresh and frozen;
Dairy products, especially cottage cheese;
Dried fruits;
Spices, but not all. Useful non-acute kari, cumin, marjoram;
Nuts and seeds;
Bread, only unleavened varieties;
Vegetable oil. For cooking hot dishes use olive oil. Wheat germ oil, hemp, flaxseed 1 teaspoon before meals;
Baked in the oven apples and pumpkin, as well as honey;
Drinks: mineral water, dried fruit compotes, carcade, decoctions of stevia and wild rose berries.
Nutritional recommendations, depending on the site of exposure

If radiotherapy is focused on the esophagus, additional care must be provided. To make food easier to pass, you can include in the diet of wild rose and sea buckthorn oil. You also need to increase the number of foods rich in vitamins A and E.

If the irradiation is amenable to abdominal organs, then the appetite deteriorates. It is necessary to adhere to a diet in which there are no dairy products. It is recommended to eat dishes in pure form. The amount of sugar is better to reduce.

For patients who receive pelvic radiation therapy, there are also recommendations. In order not to cause irritation of the urinary tract, it is necessary to exclude from the use of radish, garlic, onions, sorrel, strong broths and alcoholic beverages. Especially useful to eat melons and watermelons.

Patients who receive rectal irradiation are recommended a diet that is gentle to the intestines. You need to eat milk, sour cream, jellies, jellies, fruit juices and boiled meat and fish.

Proper nutrition is not just a part of our daily life. It greatly affects the state of health, especially when organs or tissues are exposed to diseases.

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