Proper nutrition and diet: what's the difference?
Many people confuse proper nutrition with a diet that helps lose weight. However, proper nutrition (PP) or, as nutritionists say, an individual nutritional system does not limit a person to…

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Sensitive skin: diagnosis or feature?
With the onset of summer, some people begin to be bothered by skin irritations. Redness, rashes, inflamed areas of skin or vice versa - peeling and burning of the skin…

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Chest pain: when the problem is in the heart
Chest pains can be caused by a variety of diseases and conditions. And they are not always the signal of malfunctions in the cardiovascular system. But any pain or acute…

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Pustular skin diseases: how to avoid them?
Our skin not only protects the body from the action of the external environment, it participates in the processes of respiration, metabolism, thermoregulation, etc. Like other organs, the skin often…


Why does the loin hurt: from fatigue to illness

The lumbar region is under heavy stress and is very often damaged. According to medical statistics, lower back pain ranks second among patient complaints after colds and ARVI. Low back pain can be caused by overstrain and strong physical exertion, and maybe a problem in diseases of the spine, kidneys and even in gynecology.
Lifestyle and habits – provocateurs for low back pain
Pain in the lower back due to the fact that this area makes a lot of active movements. Posture problems, sedentary lifestyle, the habit of sitting incorrectly, carrying weights and our other daily habits can cause back pain, including lower back pain. To push the pain syndrome, pushing, lifting weights (the same wrong workout in the gym with a heavy weight), a long stay in a sitting position and standing.

Constant carrying of bags or backpacks on one shoulder also causes lower back pain over time. Our spine, especially in the lumbar region, is under tremendous pressure. And if your weight is far from the norm or you have obesity – then this load increases even more. If you are healthy, then regular physical activity, maintaining normal body mass, comfortable shoes and clothes, correct posture during work, etc. help to avoid back pain.
What is sciatica, which is spoken of with back pain
Often pain in the lower back is a reaction to irritation or inflammation of the nerves in the area of ​​the cross caused by pathological processes, the so-called sciatica. Pain can be caused by degenerative changes in the spine that lead to osteochondrosis. Depending on the cause of the pain, an accurate diagnosis can be made in laboratory diagnostics. This may be protrusion or intervertebral hernia, vertebral dislocation, metabolic disturbances and the resulting deficiency of calcium and vitamins, overdistension or overcooling of the ligaments, injury, etc.

The pain can be acute (shooting, jerking, even numbness in the legs), or chronic, when the tolerable pain of the shingles or other nature lasts for weeks, then appearing, then disappearing. The pain in the inflammatory process of the adjacent nerves (sciatic, for example) of muscles and organs can be given to the lower back. So, in kidney diseases, pain in the lower back is felt. A number of gynecological diseases can manifest by pain, radiating to the lower back. Therefore, if back pain does not pass more than two days – you need to contact a specialist. Depending on the cause of the pain, the treatment will be performed by a vertebrologist or a neurologist, a traumatologist, perhaps a urologist or a gynecologist, etc.
Diagnosis, treatment and myths about lower back pain
In order to identify the cause of pain in the lower back, the doctor will not only listen to complaints, examine the spine, but also order a X-ray, CT scan and other examinations if necessary. The treatment will be complex, if the problem is in the spine and nerve fibers, then you will need medical treatment, physiotherapy and manual therapy, physiotherapy exercises. The opinion that with lower back pain you need to lie more and move less is wrong. Of course, not knowing the reasons to load a sore spot is impossible. But after the diagnosis is made, physical therapy is prescribed to strengthen the spinal muscles and the abdominal muscles.

An orthopedic mattress or pillow, wearing a corset, the use of massagers are measures of prevention, not of treating an existing problem. If there is an inflammatory process in the nerve endings or a vertebra is displaced, then such measures will not help. Many are afraid of surgery, as the only method of treatment. However, surgical intervention is resorted to only in neglected cases. Timely help for back pain in most cases will help do with medication and physiotherapy.

Sensitive teeth: disease or feature?
The problem of dental hyperesthesia - their hypersensitivity is disturbed by more than 30% of people applying to dentists. In some people, tooth enamel reacts to cold or heat, in…


Hyperopia: How to avoid age-related eye problems
Reducing the sharpness of view when viewing close objects - the first signs of farsightedness. Age farsightedness or presbyopia develops in most cases with age, when the eye lens loses…
