Reverse side of the post: how to restore the body
Hundreds of dietitian recommendations are given on how to get out of fasting and what to eat. Also, doctors say that it will take at least a month to fully restore the body after a long period of restriction in a person’s usual food. , may experience health problems, because the body is already weakened by colds and vitamin deficiencies after winter. And an unbalanced diet could affect the condition of hair, nails, blood counts, etc.
How to suspect anemia and prevent the development of anemia
When foods containing iron, vitamin B9 (folic acid), and vitamin B12 are restricted, iron deficiency anemia (anemia) can develop. The richest in easily digestible iron and these B vitamins are red meat and offal, which are prohibited in fasting. And if a person who has fasted carefully has diseases of the digestive organs, then the risk of developing anemia increases. Since in this case the process of iron absorption from the stomach and the upper small intestine is already impaired. Anemia also contributes to the development of protein deficiency (and the main sources of proteins are, again, animal products), endocrine diseases, and chronic diseases of internal organs.
Therefore, if there were already health problems, but you still decided to fast, then pay attention to the following symptoms of anemia: weakness, fatigue, headache, excessive pallor and dry skin, brittle hair and nails, shortness of breath. If there is at least one of them, then you need to turn to a therapist and check blood parameters. Indeed, during the observance of fasting, as evidenced by medical statistics, the hematocrit index (the ratio of erythrocytes to blood plasma) may decrease. Therefore, the doctor may recommend a special diet or prescribe medication to improve blood counts.
If reproductive functions are impaired
Female reproductive organs may suffer from a long-term deficiency of protein products. Fasting or a strict diet can cause a delay in menstruation. These problems can often occur in adolescents or young thin girls, whose body weight is already small, and if the diet is reduced to 47-45 kg, then the menstrual cycle is broken.
However, overweight also has a negative effect on ovarian function. If the woman was overweight, and during the fast she managed to eat a couple of extra pounds on fast carbohydrates, then problems with the work of the reproductive organs can also arise. To restore women’s health, it is important not only to eat well, but also to avoid stress, fatigue, and to fully relax.
Why can suffer hair, nails and skin
Restriction in nutrition, especially the rejection of animal proteins can negatively affect the condition of hair, nails, and skin. The skin can become more pale, sensitive, begin to peel off, nails – exfoliate, and hair breaks and loses its natural shine. The reverse may also occur: in violation of the protein balance (especially among owners and owners of oily skin), the release of subcutaneous fat may increase. As a result, the pores of the skin expand and clog, and the hair begins to shine.
However, after fasting, it is important to return to the usual diet gradually, consuming food in fractional portions, initially continuing to eat plant foods and introducing animal protein foods gradually. In these cases, the deterioration of the skin, hair and nails can help receiving multivitamins, phytocomplexes, which the doctor will recommend. Also, do not interfere with the visit to the beautician, who will recommend the right skin care.