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Severe ear pain: complications and prevention of otitis media

Protracted winter weather contributes to the occurrence of inflammatory processes, including in the ears. The human ear has three sections: the inner, middle and outer ear. However, the inflammatory process – otitis – most often occurs in the middle ear because of its anatomical structure. Otitis can cause serious complications, so it is important to know how to prevent this disease.
Why does otitis appear and how does the disease manifest
Otitis often develops on the background of acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, sinusitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Eustachian tubes located inside the ear and connecting the pharynx with the middle ear also undergo an inflammatory process. Cold weather and hypothermia also contribute to the development of otitis, when the body’s defenses are reduced, and so because of vitamin deficiencies, short daylight hours, etc. As a result, fluid begins to accumulate in the middle ear, which contributes to an even greater proliferation of bacteria.

Otitis can be acute and chronic. Acute otitis media can begin with a shooting pain in the ear. Also, with otitis, hearing deteriorates, body temperature rises, appetite disappears, there is a feeling of weakness and indisposition. Otitis itself does not pass, folk remedies can not cure him. Therefore, the reason for turning to the ENT is not only a sharp pain in the ear, but also prolonged nasal congestion (more than 10 days), feeling of stupor, tinnitus.
What is dangerous otitis and what may be complications
If otitis does not cure, then the disease turns into a purulent form. Gradually, pus accumulates in the middle ear and presses against the eardrum. The pain becomes stronger, gives to the temple. It often happens that purulent content breaks through the eardrum: here a person makes the main mistake and does not go to the doctor, because relief comes. However, microbes. The disease caused has not gone away, the inflammatory process continues and the disease may be complicated:
Mastoiditis and labyrinthitis – inflammation of the mastoid process of the auricle and the release of purulent contents into the cochlea.
The development of hearing loss, up to deafness
Paresis of the facial nerve, when half of the face becomes completely immobilized
Meningitis – inflammation of the lining of the brain.
How not to get otitis: prevention measures
As already mentioned, a doctor should appoint treatment for otitis. You can not warm your ear, so the condition will further aggravate. Thermal procedures can be assigned only after the elimination of the acute process, if the otitis is purulent and the contents do not work themselves, then the eardrum is punctured (paracentesis). Also used ear drops, antibacterial therapy. To avoid otitis, it is important not to overcool and properly treat ARVI, especially to prevent the development of sinusitis – sinusitis, etc.

If a runny nose has begun, it is important not to allow the slime to thicken, the contents of the sinuses should not accumulate in them, but be easy to withdraw. It is also important to treat other diseases in a timely manner so as not to miss the inflammatory process in the body: an infection can also get into the ear through blood. Parents of young children need to consult a pediatrician, how to drip and wash the nose of the child. Often the procedure of washing the nose incorrectly lead to infection from the nasal sinuses in the ear. Also, make sure that water does not get into your ears, especially in summer when swimming in water.

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