Crunches joints: a disease or a feature of the body?
We recall the important role in the life of a person in joints when problems arise with them. Many questions and concerns cause a crunch in the joints: what is…

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When the throat is constantly hurt: what should be known about chronic pharyngitis?
Chronic pharyngitis is a rather common disease that can significantly damage the quality of human life. We are talking about inflammation of the pharynx and tissues around it, which are…

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How to help a child when teeth are cut?
It is possible to help a child survive a difficult period of life when teeth are cut. For this you need to know about the main symptoms that accompany teething.…

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Severe ear pain: complications and prevention of otitis media
Protracted winter weather contributes to the occurrence of inflammatory processes, including in the ears. The human ear has three sections: the inner, middle and outer ear. However, the inflammatory process…


inflammatory process continues

Severe ear pain: complications and prevention of otitis media

Protracted winter weather contributes to the occurrence of inflammatory processes, including in the ears. The human ear has three sections: the inner, middle and outer ear. However, the inflammatory process – otitis – most often occurs in the middle ear because of its anatomical structure. Otitis can cause serious complications, so it is important to know how to prevent this disease. Continue reading

How to stay healthy with a bad environment
More and more people in the world pay attention to the state of the environment and its relationship with health. The state of nature, the environment around us, the air,…


What is the difference between a nephrologist and a urologist?
What is the difference between a urologist and a nephrologist? A urologist is a doctor who treats diseases of the entire genitourinary system (kidney, bladder, urethra) with the help of,…
