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When the throat is constantly hurt: what should be known about chronic pharyngitis?

Chronic pharyngitis is a rather common disease that can significantly damage the quality of human life. We are talking about inflammation of the pharynx and tissues around it, which are regularly repeated. As a result, the patient’s throat is sore almost all the time. Why is this happening and how can this problem be solved?
Causes and Symptoms of Chronic Pharyngitis
Chronic pharyngitis may develop over time due to frequent acute pharyngitis or other acute respiratory viral infections. Also, this problem is quite common among teachers and representatives of other occupations that require constant use of the voice. When the mucus throat dries, the probability of developing chronic pharyngitis is higher. Unfavorable factors that affect the appearance of this disease are nasal breathing, sinusitis, otitis, and the like.

The general causes of the appearance of chronic pharyngitis include the following:
propensity to diseases of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract;
metabolic disorders;
constant use of voice communication in their professional activities;
work on harmful production, which involves inhalation of vapors of various substances;
abuse of alcohol and smoking (and alcohol and tobacco overdose mucous membranes of the throat).
How to recognize chronic pharyngitis? His main manifestations include:
constant pain, pricking in the throat;
feeling lacerated at the top of the throat;
dry mouth;
redness of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract;
slight increase in body temperature, which is not always the case.
Prevention of chronic pharyngitis
This disease is so common because people are used to treating their health relentlessly, especially with regard to the disease at an early stage of development. The vast majority of pharyngitis we carry “on the legs”. Because the temperature of the body is normal, the general state of health is often also normal, so why go to the hospital because of some kind of sore throat? Over time, the symptoms of the disease really disappear, but often it is not a good signal, because it just gets a chronic form. The result is a periodic, rather frequent exacerbation of pharyngitis.

What to do to prevent the development of chronic pharyngitis? To do this, you need:
Constantly moisturize the mucus, especially during the heating season. For this you need to rinse your throat (you can even use plain water), drink more fluids, and think about buying a special air humidifier. After all, nothing so dries the air as heating.
Drink drinks that lubricate the throat, for example, warm milk with honey, raspberry tea, etc.
Quit smoking, or at least reduce the number of cigarettes that are smoked during the day.
Do not abuse alcohol, because it will dry the mucus.
Do not eat food that irritates the throat. Instead, you should add to your diet the products that grease it: eggs, liver, milk, butter.
If the throat still got ill, it is not necessary to engage in self-medication. It is best to ask a doctor in a timely manner that he establishes the diagnosis and has appointed an adequate treatment scheme. After all, the throat is sore not only with pharyngitis, but also with tonsillitis, laryngitis, and the like. Therefore, correct and effective treatment can only be determined by a specialist.

Chronic pharyngitis is a problem of many, but it is quite realistic to overcome it. To do this, you should strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor, at least once to bring the therapy to the end, and also to avoid further over-drying of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Make your life better, get rid of such an annoying sore throat.

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