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Why does the stomach “naughty”: how to avoid gastritis

Discomfort in the stomach, heartburn, intestinal problems – we often ignore such “disturbing calls”. Thus, our body signals that it is time to pay attention to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Especially on the threshold of spring, when gastrointestinal diseases first of all become acute, one of the most common of which is gastritis.
What is gastritis and how does it arise
Many believe that diseases of the digestive system – this is a consequence only of malnutrition. In fact, a number of factors can cause inflammation in the gastric mucosa. Naturally, the quality of food consumed, the diet itself and the foods we eat have an effect on the digestive tract organs. However, inflammatory processes in the stomach can occur in those people who adhere to the rules of healthy eating. The main factors provoking inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa are considered to be:
Bacterial infection – Helicobacter pylori bacteria that inhabit the stomach, which scientists managed to discover only in 2005, provoke inflammatory processes and cause gastritis and peptic ulcer
Malnutrition and overeating, eating dry food, abuse of fatty, spicy and pickled foods
Alcohol – often the use of alcoholic beverages violates the acid-base balance, has a damaging effect on the systems and organs, digestion including
Congenital susceptibility to diseases of the digestive tract organs (low or high acidity of gastric juice, enzymatic deficiency, etc.)
Disorders of hormonal, autistic processes.
The symptoms of gastritis and possible complications
Gastritis can be acute and chronic. The acute condition is manifested by pronounced symptoms – pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, and general weakness. Chronic gastritis can occur for a long time with minor symptoms – rare violations of bowel movements, flatulence, fatigue, which a person blames on fatigue and poor diet.

Eating foods such as canned foods, alcohol, smoked meats, flour products, fried foods, spices, especially fermented foods (grapes, cabbage, black bread, etc.) further aggravate the condition. Prolonged inflammation in the stomach can provoke pancreatitis – inflammation of the pancreas, worsen the absorption of nutrients from food and lead to anemia (anemia). Long-term untreated inflammatory processes in the stomach can lead to peptic ulcer disease and favor the development of oncological processes.
How to avoid inflammatory processes in the stomach
If the symptoms of gastritis have already appeared, then it is important to consult a gastroenterologist and get tested. If there is an infection in the stomach, diet alone will not help and the disease will again become aggravated over time. Very negative on mucous membranes. Smoking and alcohol also affect the stomach, so first of all it is important to get rid of bad habits.

Develop good habits in yourself – a glass of warm water in the morning on an empty stomach, then let it be the simplest and easiest (yogurt, bread and cheese, oatmeal), but breakfast, especially if you smoke. Uncontrolled intake of medications, even popular anti-inflammatory and painkillers, can also lead to gastritis. Avoid factors provoking the disease – malnutrition, stress, junk food, etc.

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