Reverse side of the post: how to restore the body
Hundreds of dietitian recommendations are given on how to get out of fasting and what to eat. Also, doctors say that it will take at least a month to fully…

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Why does the stomach "naughty": how to avoid gastritis
Discomfort in the stomach, heartburn, intestinal problems - we often ignore such "disturbing calls". Thus, our body signals that it is time to pay attention to the organs of the…

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Pustular skin diseases: how to avoid them?
Our skin not only protects the body from the action of the external environment, it participates in the processes of respiration, metabolism, thermoregulation, etc. Like other organs, the skin often…

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What should be eaten during radiation therapy?
To reduce the negative effects of radiation therapy, you need to give the body only healthy foods using proper nutrition. It is better to change the diet before the start…


enamel becomes

How to help a child when teeth are cut?

It is possible to help a child survive a difficult period of life when teeth are cut. For this you need to know about the main symptoms that accompany teething. And also read the tips to help alleviate the condition of the child.
The main symptoms of teething
Although each child is unique and develops in its own way, there are some common symptoms that accompany the appearance of teeth. Continue reading

Pustular skin diseases: how to avoid them?

Our skin not only protects the body from the action of the external environment, it participates in the processes of respiration, metabolism, thermoregulation, etc. Like other organs, the skin often “hurts”. One of the common skin diseases (dermatoses) are pustular skin diseases (pyoderma). Most often they are caused by staphylococci or streptococci. But in some people, a boil that has jumped on the skin is something out of the ordinary, while in others, especially in children, pyoderma occurs quite often. Continue reading

Why does the loin hurt: from fatigue to illness

The lumbar region is under heavy stress and is very often damaged. According to medical statistics, lower back pain ranks second among patient complaints after colds and ARVI. Low back pain can be caused by overstrain and strong physical exertion, and maybe a problem in diseases of the spine, kidneys and even in gynecology.
Lifestyle and habits – provocateurs for low back pain Continue reading

Defibrillation: 10 minute chance of saving lives
Defibrillation is the process by which ventricular fibrillation is removed. Fibrillation or ventricular fibrillation is a pathological condition when there are no effective contractions of the heart. This state cannot…


Spring childhood diseases
To insure a child completely against childhood diseases is impossible. With the onset of the long-awaited spring, babies often begin to get sick with certain ailments. Therefore, it is important…
