How to help a child when teeth are cut?
It is possible to help a child survive a difficult period of life when teeth are cut. For this you need to know about the main symptoms that accompany teething.…

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Causes of summer sore throat: how to treat a sore throat
Summer sore throat - the disease is quite common. Hypothermia, cold drinks and ice cream, long stay under the air conditioner are factors contributing to the development of the disease.…

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Hyperopia: How to avoid age-related eye problems
Reducing the sharpness of view when viewing close objects - the first signs of farsightedness. Age farsightedness or presbyopia develops in most cases with age, when the eye lens loses…

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Causes of summer sore throat: how to treat a sore throat
Summer sore throat - the disease is quite common. Hypothermia, cold drinks and ice cream, long stay under the air conditioner are factors contributing to the development of the disease.…


which causes a cough

How to help a child when teeth are cut?

It is possible to help a child survive a difficult period of life when teeth are cut. For this you need to know about the main symptoms that accompany teething. And also read the tips to help alleviate the condition of the child.
The main symptoms of teething
Although each child is unique and develops in its own way, there are some common symptoms that accompany the appearance of teeth. Continue reading

How to recognize kidney problems
What can kidneys suffer from? It is the kidneys that are responsible for the release of many harmful substances from our body, therefore their normal functioning is so important. However,…


Inflammation of the eye vessels
Tired eyes, flies, or sharply dropped vision can be signs of problems with eye vessels. After all, the eyes, like any organ, have a choroid. In ophthalmic practice, inflammatory processes…
