Poor blood clotting: who faces hemophilia
The causes of blood clotting disorders are numerous, including hereditary diseases. One such serious disease is hemophilia (from the Latin heme - blood, philosophy - to love). Women are carriers…

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Inflammation of the eye vessels
Tired eyes, flies, or sharply dropped vision can be signs of problems with eye vessels. After all, the eyes, like any organ, have a choroid. In ophthalmic practice, inflammatory processes…

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Pustular skin diseases: how to avoid them?
Our skin not only protects the body from the action of the external environment, it participates in the processes of respiration, metabolism, thermoregulation, etc. Like other organs, the skin often…

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Neurosis - a disease of modern society: how to save the nervous system
Constant stress, congestion at work, conflicts, etc. deplete the human nervous system. Long-term traumatic situations lead to the development of psychological disorders - neuroses. As a result, the nervous system…


which causes a cough

How to help a child when teeth are cut?

It is possible to help a child survive a difficult period of life when teeth are cut. For this you need to know about the main symptoms that accompany teething. And also read the tips to help alleviate the condition of the child.
The main symptoms of teething
Although each child is unique and develops in its own way, there are some common symptoms that accompany the appearance of teeth. Continue reading

Heaviness in the stomach: is it worth paying attention?
The feeling of heaviness in the stomach at least once experienced each of us. In many cases, the appearance of the feeling of "stone" in the stomach leads to errors…


Epilepsy: Why Does It Happen And How To Treat A Disease?
Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disease that has been known to mankind since ancient times. Her main symptom is epileptic seizures, which are repeated from time to time. Why does…
