Be careful: spring exacerbation of cardiovascular disease
Cardiovascular disease is called a misfortune of the 21st century, and even healthy people in the spring-autumn season need to pay more attention to their health. Ukraine loses about 500…

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Spring childhood diseases
To insure a child completely against childhood diseases is impossible. With the onset of the long-awaited spring, babies often begin to get sick with certain ailments. Therefore, it is important…

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How to help a child when teeth are cut?
It is possible to help a child survive a difficult period of life when teeth are cut. For this you need to know about the main symptoms that accompany teething.…

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Neurosis - a disease of modern society: how to save the nervous system
Constant stress, congestion at work, conflicts, etc. deplete the human nervous system. Long-term traumatic situations lead to the development of psychological disorders - neuroses. As a result, the nervous system…


nervous system

Neurosis – a disease of modern society: how to save the nervous system

Constant stress, congestion at work, conflicts, etc. deplete the human nervous system. Long-term traumatic situations lead to the development of psychological disorders – neuroses. As a result, the nervous system exhausted by neuroses gives the person to know about the arisen health problem, rapid fatigue, sleep disorders, anxiety, apathy, etc. But not always the person, exhausted by neuroses, seeks medical help. As a result, his quality of life is getting worse and worse.
Causes of neurosis Continue reading

Extremely dangerous type of cancer - melanoma, is it possible to protect yourself?
Have you attached importance to the fact that knowing literally some of the main symptoms of the disease helps prevent serious health problems? This statement holds true for melanoma (skin…


Irritable bowel syndrome: symptoms and treatment
According to the World Health Organization, about 20% of the world's population faces such a problem as irritable bowel syndrome. This is not a specific disease, but a series of…
