What is the danger of measles and how to protect yourself?
In connection with a measles outbreak, you need to know what the disease is and how to avoid it. Informed means armed. What is special about measles? Measles is a…

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Irritable bowel syndrome: symptoms and treatment
According to the World Health Organization, about 20% of the world's population faces such a problem as irritable bowel syndrome. This is not a specific disease, but a series of…

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Proper nutrition and diet: what's the difference?
Many people confuse proper nutrition with a diet that helps lose weight. However, proper nutrition (PP) or, as nutritionists say, an individual nutritional system does not limit a person to…

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Digestive disorders: remove the effects of holidays
After Easter holidays, many have digestive disorders. After observing fasting, not everyone can withstand a gradual return to the usual diet and overload the digestive organs with fatty and fried…


afraid of surgery

Dangerous rhinitis or how not to miss sinusitis

Changeable spring weather turns for many of us a cold. Often we overcool in the morning, dressed not for the weather, and by the evening we feel unwell, a runny nose begins. It’s time to go to bed and drink plenty of warm drinks. But you are suffering from a runny nose (rhinitis) on the legs, considering this to be a frivolous sore. However, serious diseases do not exist: each of them is a blow to our body. Continue reading

Consequences of lack of sun: how to defeat depression and strengthen the immune system

Finally, sunny days have come, but many of us still feel lethargic, irritated, and “do not crawl out” of colds. The past winter was long and the lack of sunlight makes itself felt, because changes in the production of hormones, changes in mood and deterioration of health directly depend on the degree of illumination. In addition, the short light day and the deficiency of the sun disrupted the normal production of vitamin D, which is synthesized by our body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation (sunlight) and is responsible for regulating growth, helps hormone production, etc. Continue reading

Hyperopia: How to avoid age-related eye problems

Reducing the sharpness of view when viewing close objects – the first signs of farsightedness. Age farsightedness or presbyopia develops in most cases with age, when the eye lens loses its elasticity and the eye muscles, which are responsible for focusing, weaken. However, farsightedness can develop not only in old age, but also after 30-35 years, if a person spends too much time at the computer and other gadgets, constantly over-exerts his eyesight, malnourishes himself, etc. Continue reading

Lung cancer: who is at risk?
Lung cancer is one of the most common types of oncological pathologies in the world. It is based on the malignant degeneration of the epithelial cells of the lung into…


Irritable bowel syndrome: symptoms and treatment
According to the World Health Organization, about 20% of the world's population faces such a problem as irritable bowel syndrome. This is not a specific disease, but a series of…
