Why you need to protect your eyes from the sun: damage to UV rays
The sun's rays contribute not only to the production of vitamin D and a beautiful tan. The ozone layer of the atmosphere is getting thinner every year and the ultraviolet…

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What is the danger of measles and how to protect yourself?
In connection with a measles outbreak, you need to know what the disease is and how to avoid it. Informed means armed. What is special about measles? Measles is a…

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Uterine myoma: What is its dangers to women's health?
Myoma, or fibromyoma, is a benign tumor that forms on the walls of the uterus and cervix. Its dimensions can vary from a few millimeters to several centimeters, and cases…

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Diseases of dirty hands: the season of intestinal infections has begun
On the eve of summer heat and massive picnics, the theme of intestinal infections becomes relevant in nature. We often suffer from intestinal disorders because of non-compliance with the rules…


cardiovascular disease

How to get rid of wrinkles without “chemistry” and operations

At any age, most women (and men too) want to look young. Age-related skin aging cannot be avoided by anyone, but wrinkles can and should be prevented, then it is easier to deal with them. In any case, it is never too late to start, even if you are already beyond … and you, apart from day and night face cream, have not used anything else. Modern cosmetology offers a lot of products without expensive and painful injections or facelift skin. Continue reading

Consequences of lack of sun: how to defeat depression and strengthen the immune system

Finally, sunny days have come, but many of us still feel lethargic, irritated, and “do not crawl out” of colds. The past winter was long and the lack of sunlight makes itself felt, because changes in the production of hormones, changes in mood and deterioration of health directly depend on the degree of illumination. In addition, the short light day and the deficiency of the sun disrupted the normal production of vitamin D, which is synthesized by our body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation (sunlight) and is responsible for regulating growth, helps hormone production, etc. Continue reading

Inflammation of the lungs: how not to miss spring pneumonia

Spring colds, unfortunately, are often complicated by pneumonia. The symptoms of pneumonia or pneumonia, some people do not attach much importance, even when, after improving the condition, fever reappears, cough increases, and then shortness of breath. Pneumonia needs time to diagnose and properly treat, and even better – to prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the lungs. Continue reading

Heaviness in the stomach: is it worth paying attention?
The feeling of heaviness in the stomach at least once experienced each of us. In many cases, the appearance of the feeling of "stone" in the stomach leads to errors…


How to help a child when teeth are cut?
It is possible to help a child survive a difficult period of life when teeth are cut. For this you need to know about the main symptoms that accompany teething.…
