Severe ear pain: complications and prevention of otitis media
Protracted winter weather contributes to the occurrence of inflammatory processes, including in the ears. The human ear has three sections: the inner, middle and outer ear. However, the inflammatory process…

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Lung cancer: who is at risk?
Lung cancer is one of the most common types of oncological pathologies in the world. It is based on the malignant degeneration of the epithelial cells of the lung into…

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Chest pain: when the problem is in the heart
Chest pains can be caused by a variety of diseases and conditions. And they are not always the signal of malfunctions in the cardiovascular system. But any pain or acute…

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Irritable bowel syndrome: symptoms and treatment
According to the World Health Organization, about 20% of the world's population faces such a problem as irritable bowel syndrome. This is not a specific disease, but a series of…


also important to eat fully

How to get rid of wrinkles without “chemistry” and operations

At any age, most women (and men too) want to look young. Age-related skin aging cannot be avoided by anyone, but wrinkles can and should be prevented, then it is easier to deal with them. In any case, it is never too late to start, even if you are already beyond … and you, apart from day and night face cream, have not used anything else. Modern cosmetology offers a lot of products without expensive and painful injections or facelift skin. Continue reading

Consequences of lack of sun: how to defeat depression and strengthen the immune system

Finally, sunny days have come, but many of us still feel lethargic, irritated, and “do not crawl out” of colds. The past winter was long and the lack of sunlight makes itself felt, because changes in the production of hormones, changes in mood and deterioration of health directly depend on the degree of illumination. In addition, the short light day and the deficiency of the sun disrupted the normal production of vitamin D, which is synthesized by our body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation (sunlight) and is responsible for regulating growth, helps hormone production, etc. Continue reading

Hyperopia: How to avoid age-related eye problems
Reducing the sharpness of view when viewing close objects - the first signs of farsightedness. Age farsightedness or presbyopia develops in most cases with age, when the eye lens loses…


Food poisoning in early spring: what is important for everyone to know
Early spring is not a season for intestinal infections and food poisoning, it would seem. We observe a surge in the incidence of acute intestinal infections, the so-called “dirty hands…
