Extremely dangerous type of cancer - melanoma, is it possible to protect yourself?
Have you attached importance to the fact that knowing literally some of the main symptoms of the disease helps prevent serious health problems? This statement holds true for melanoma (skin…

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Crunches joints: a disease or a feature of the body?
We recall the important role in the life of a person in joints when problems arise with them. Many questions and concerns cause a crunch in the joints: what is…

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Cervical erosion: what is it and what is dangerous?
Cervical erosion conceals threats that every woman needs to be aware of. This gynecological disease, which occupies one of the first places in the world. Statistics show that half of…

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Inflammation of the lungs: how not to miss spring pneumonia
Spring colds, unfortunately, are often complicated by pneumonia. The symptoms of pneumonia or pneumonia, some people do not attach much importance, even when, after improving the condition, fever reappears, cough…


particularly affected

Defibrillation: 10 minute chance of saving lives

Defibrillation is the process by which ventricular fibrillation is removed. Fibrillation or ventricular fibrillation is a pathological condition when there are no effective contractions of the heart.
This state cannot stop at one moment, it is possible only with the help of electrical defibrillation.
Modern Defibrillators Continue reading

What should be eaten during radiation therapy?
To reduce the negative effects of radiation therapy, you need to give the body only healthy foods using proper nutrition. It is better to change the diet before the start…


Why does the stomach "naughty": how to avoid gastritis
Discomfort in the stomach, heartburn, intestinal problems - we often ignore such "disturbing calls". Thus, our body signals that it is time to pay attention to the organs of the…
