Neurosis - a disease of modern society: how to save the nervous system
Constant stress, congestion at work, conflicts, etc. deplete the human nervous system. Long-term traumatic situations lead to the development of psychological disorders - neuroses. As a result, the nervous system…

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How to get rid of wrinkles without "chemistry" and operations
At any age, most women (and men too) want to look young. Age-related skin aging cannot be avoided by anyone, but wrinkles can and should be prevented, then it is…

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Causes of summer sore throat: how to treat a sore throat
Summer sore throat - the disease is quite common. Hypothermia, cold drinks and ice cream, long stay under the air conditioner are factors contributing to the development of the disease.…

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Why do we suffer from allergies: treat or ignore?
In some people, seemingly completely “harmless” plants or animals can cause a strong allergic reaction. Some people, with the arrival of spring, rejoice in blooming flowers and trees, while others…


stimulate collagen production

How to get rid of wrinkles without “chemistry” and operations

At any age, most women (and men too) want to look young. Age-related skin aging cannot be avoided by anyone, but wrinkles can and should be prevented, then it is easier to deal with them. In any case, it is never too late to start, even if you are already beyond … and you, apart from day and night face cream, have not used anything else. Modern cosmetology offers a lot of products without expensive and painful injections or facelift skin. Continue reading

Neurosis - a disease of modern society: how to save the nervous system
Constant stress, congestion at work, conflicts, etc. deplete the human nervous system. Long-term traumatic situations lead to the development of psychological disorders - neuroses. As a result, the nervous system…


Severe ear pain: complications and prevention of otitis media
Protracted winter weather contributes to the occurrence of inflammatory processes, including in the ears. The human ear has three sections: the inner, middle and outer ear. However, the inflammatory process…
