How to stay healthy with a bad environment
More and more people in the world pay attention to the state of the environment and its relationship with health. The state of nature, the environment around us, the air,…

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When the throat is constantly hurt: what should be known about chronic pharyngitis?
Chronic pharyngitis is a rather common disease that can significantly damage the quality of human life. We are talking about inflammation of the pharynx and tissues around it, which are…

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Poor blood clotting: who faces hemophilia
The causes of blood clotting disorders are numerous, including hereditary diseases. One such serious disease is hemophilia (from the Latin heme - blood, philosophy - to love). Women are carriers…

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Dangerous rhinitis or how not to miss sinusitis
Changeable spring weather turns for many of us a cold. Often we overcool in the morning, dressed not for the weather, and by the evening we feel unwell, a runny…



Be careful: spring exacerbation of cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease is called a misfortune of the 21st century, and even healthy people in the spring-autumn season need to pay more attention to their health. Ukraine loses about 500 thousand people every year due to cardiovascular diseases. It is more than infectious, oncological and other diseases, even taken together.

How do illnesses manifest in the spring? Continue reading

Crunches joints: a disease or a feature of the body?
We recall the important role in the life of a person in joints when problems arise with them. Many questions and concerns cause a crunch in the joints: what is…


Summer skin diseases: how to avoid allergies or acne?
In the hot season there are many problems with the skin. Excess moisture and heat causes prickly heat, insect bites cause an allergic reaction, and excessive sun exposure causes fungal…
