Is it possible to avoid tooth decay: the secret of healthy teeth
Dental caries is the most common reason for going to the dentist. Caries is the slow destruction of dentin and enamel (hard dental tissue). This process begins asymptomatically and can…

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Why skin dries so: features of spring care
After a long winter, the skin of the face looks tired. Many people are also worried about excessive dryness and flaking of not only the skin of the face, but…

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Poor blood clotting: who faces hemophilia
The causes of blood clotting disorders are numerous, including hereditary diseases. One such serious disease is hemophilia (from the Latin heme - blood, philosophy - to love). Women are carriers…

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Irritable bowel syndrome: symptoms and treatment
According to the World Health Organization, about 20% of the world's population faces such a problem as irritable bowel syndrome. This is not a specific disease, but a series of…


even if you brush

Is it possible to avoid tooth decay: the secret of healthy teeth

Dental caries is the most common reason for going to the dentist. Caries is the slow destruction of dentin and enamel (hard dental tissue). This process begins asymptomatically and can develop for several years, destroying the tooth more and more and spreading to nearby tooth tissues and gums. Continue reading

Dangerous rhinitis or how not to miss sinusitis
Changeable spring weather turns for many of us a cold. Often we overcool in the morning, dressed not for the weather, and by the evening we feel unwell, a runny…


Dangerous rhinitis or how not to miss sinusitis
Changeable spring weather turns for many of us a cold. Often we overcool in the morning, dressed not for the weather, and by the evening we feel unwell, a runny…
