Lung cancer: who is at risk?
Lung cancer is one of the most common types of oncological pathologies in the world. It is based on the malignant degeneration of the epithelial cells of the lung into…

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Pustular skin diseases: how to avoid them?
Our skin not only protects the body from the action of the external environment, it participates in the processes of respiration, metabolism, thermoregulation, etc. Like other organs, the skin often…

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How to help a child when teeth are cut?
It is possible to help a child survive a difficult period of life when teeth are cut. For this you need to know about the main symptoms that accompany teething.…

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Down syndrome: why are "sunny children" born?
About Down Syndrome - a genetic abnormality, heard each of us. It is today, March 21, that the international community celebrates the International Day of People with this Disease. Every…



Hyperopia: How to avoid age-related eye problems

Reducing the sharpness of view when viewing close objects – the first signs of farsightedness. Age farsightedness or presbyopia develops in most cases with age, when the eye lens loses its elasticity and the eye muscles, which are responsible for focusing, weaken. However, farsightedness can develop not only in old age, but also after 30-35 years, if a person spends too much time at the computer and other gadgets, constantly over-exerts his eyesight, malnourishes himself, etc. Continue reading

Spring childhood diseases
To insure a child completely against childhood diseases is impossible. With the onset of the long-awaited spring, babies often begin to get sick with certain ailments. Therefore, it is important…


Cervical erosion: what is it and what is dangerous?
Cervical erosion conceals threats that every woman needs to be aware of. This gynecological disease, which occupies one of the first places in the world. Statistics show that half of…
