What should be eaten during radiation therapy?
To reduce the negative effects of radiation therapy, you need to give the body only healthy foods using proper nutrition. It is better to change the diet before the start…

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Why do we suffer from allergies: treat or ignore?
In some people, seemingly completely “harmless” plants or animals can cause a strong allergic reaction. Some people, with the arrival of spring, rejoice in blooming flowers and trees, while others…

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Is it possible to avoid tooth decay: the secret of healthy teeth
Dental caries is the most common reason for going to the dentist. Caries is the slow destruction of dentin and enamel (hard dental tissue). This process begins asymptomatically and can…

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Defibrillation: 10 minute chance of saving lives
Defibrillation is the process by which ventricular fibrillation is removed. Fibrillation or ventricular fibrillation is a pathological condition when there are no effective contractions of the heart. This state cannot…


special test

Why do we suffer from allergies: treat or ignore?

In some people, seemingly completely “harmless” plants or animals can cause a strong allergic reaction. Some people, with the arrival of spring, rejoice in blooming flowers and trees, while others suffer from a runny nose, stuffy nose and tears caused by a reaction to pollen. For some, an allergic reaction appears on food or house dust. Why is this happening and how dangerous is it for the health to ignore allergies? Continue reading

What should be eaten during radiation therapy?
To reduce the negative effects of radiation therapy, you need to give the body only healthy foods using proper nutrition. It is better to change the diet before the start…


Sensitive teeth: disease or feature?
The problem of dental hyperesthesia - their hypersensitivity is disturbed by more than 30% of people applying to dentists. In some people, tooth enamel reacts to cold or heat, in…
