What should be eaten during radiation therapy?
To reduce the negative effects of radiation therapy, you need to give the body only healthy foods using proper nutrition. It is better to change the diet before the start…

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What is the danger of measles and how to protect yourself?
In connection with a measles outbreak, you need to know what the disease is and how to avoid it. Informed means armed. What is special about measles? Measles is a…

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Why do we suffer from allergies: treat or ignore?
In some people, seemingly completely “harmless” plants or animals can cause a strong allergic reaction. Some people, with the arrival of spring, rejoice in blooming flowers and trees, while others…

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Why you need to protect your eyes from the sun: damage to UV rays
The sun's rays contribute not only to the production of vitamin D and a beautiful tan. The ozone layer of the atmosphere is getting thinner every year and the ultraviolet…


cleaning them with soda

Pustular skin diseases: how to avoid them?

Our skin not only protects the body from the action of the external environment, it participates in the processes of respiration, metabolism, thermoregulation, etc. Like other organs, the skin often “hurts”. One of the common skin diseases (dermatoses) are pustular skin diseases (pyoderma). Most often they are caused by staphylococci or streptococci. But in some people, a boil that has jumped on the skin is something out of the ordinary, while in others, especially in children, pyoderma occurs quite often. Continue reading

Why does the loin hurt: from fatigue to illness

The lumbar region is under heavy stress and is very often damaged. According to medical statistics, lower back pain ranks second among patient complaints after colds and ARVI. Low back pain can be caused by overstrain and strong physical exertion, and maybe a problem in diseases of the spine, kidneys and even in gynecology.
Lifestyle and habits – provocateurs for low back pain Continue reading

Extremely dangerous type of cancer – melanoma, is it possible to protect yourself?

Have you attached importance to the fact that knowing literally some of the main symptoms of the disease helps prevent serious health problems? This statement holds true for melanoma (skin cancer).
Many diseases have similar symptoms. And in an accelerated pace of life, it can be difficult to distinguish between constant fatigue from lack of sleep or stress and chronic fatigue, as a symptom of a serious illness. Continue reading

Sensitive teeth: disease or feature?
The problem of dental hyperesthesia - their hypersensitivity is disturbed by more than 30% of people applying to dentists. In some people, tooth enamel reacts to cold or heat, in…


Consequences of lack of sun: how to defeat depression and strengthen the immune system
Finally, sunny days have come, but many of us still feel lethargic, irritated, and “do not crawl out” of colds. The past winter was long and the lack of sunlight…
