Defibrillation: 10 minute chance of saving lives
Defibrillation is the process by which ventricular fibrillation is removed. Fibrillation or ventricular fibrillation is a pathological condition when there are no effective contractions of the heart. This state cannot…

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Why skin dries so: features of spring care
After a long winter, the skin of the face looks tired. Many people are also worried about excessive dryness and flaking of not only the skin of the face, but…

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Reverse side of the post: how to restore the body
Hundreds of dietitian recommendations are given on how to get out of fasting and what to eat. Also, doctors say that it will take at least a month to fully…

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Antivirals: Pros and Cons
The flu, and its constantly mutated species, became the “plague” of our century. According to statistics, the threshold of morbidity does not exceed the epidemiological rate, but every year a…


rays as carcinogens

Why does myopia occur?

Visual impairment such as myopia is quite common. Myopia or myopia may be caused by a hereditary factor, or it may develop due to constant overextension of the eye muscles (false myopia). Is it possible to prevent the development of myopia? Let’s figure it out.
What is myopia: how does the vision change with myopia Continue reading

Extremely dangerous type of cancer – melanoma, is it possible to protect yourself?

Have you attached importance to the fact that knowing literally some of the main symptoms of the disease helps prevent serious health problems? This statement holds true for melanoma (skin cancer).
Many diseases have similar symptoms. And in an accelerated pace of life, it can be difficult to distinguish between constant fatigue from lack of sleep or stress and chronic fatigue, as a symptom of a serious illness. Continue reading

Inflammation of the lungs: how not to miss spring pneumonia
Spring colds, unfortunately, are often complicated by pneumonia. The symptoms of pneumonia or pneumonia, some people do not attach much importance, even when, after improving the condition, fever reappears, cough…


Why does the stomach "naughty": how to avoid gastritis
Discomfort in the stomach, heartburn, intestinal problems - we often ignore such "disturbing calls". Thus, our body signals that it is time to pay attention to the organs of the…
