emergence of a second chin
Is it possible to avoid tooth decay: the secret of healthy teeth
Dental caries is the most common reason for going to the dentist. Caries is the slow destruction of dentin and enamel (hard dental tissue). This process begins asymptomatically and can develop for several years, destroying the tooth more and more and spreading to nearby tooth tissues and gums. Continue reading
Why skin dries so: features of spring care
After a long winter, the skin of the face looks tired. Many people are also worried about excessive dryness and flaking of not only the skin of the face, but also the hands, and especially the legs in the area from the knee to the ankle. Regardless of age and type of skin, she needs constant care, especially in the offseason.
It is still cold: focus on gentle procedures Continue reading
sleep will help
lifestyle correction
detection of kidney diseases
special gymnastics for
cause aggravation
photos in different socks
popular anti-inflammatory
skin just turns
believe misinformation
can manifest by pain
food easier
During the period
sore throat
should strictly follow
first alarming symptoms
special gentle paste
recognize the pathology
infections also occupy
facial muscles
nephrologist for successful
should be at least
acidity of the gastric
health problems
examinations will be required
disease to become chronic
remove tartar
considered relatively
quickly get rid
development of gastritis
vaccine excipients
Smoking and alcohol
infection can also get
make sure that water
plans of manufacturers
urinary tract
different nature
l give only short-term
fully and regularly
facial massage
determine the location
rotted vegetables
places where they
expert does it and only
afraid of surgery
drink more