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Hyperopia: How to avoid age-related eye problems
Reducing the sharpness of view when viewing close objects – the first signs of farsightedness. Age farsightedness or presbyopia develops in most cases with age, when the eye lens loses its elasticity and the eye muscles, which are responsible for focusing, weaken. However, farsightedness can develop not only in old age, but also after 30-35 years, if a person spends too much time at the computer and other gadgets, constantly over-exerts his eyesight, malnourishes himself, etc. Continue reading
Be careful: spring exacerbation of cardiovascular disease
Cardiovascular disease is called a misfortune of the 21st century, and even healthy people in the spring-autumn season need to pay more attention to their health. Ukraine loses about 500 thousand people every year due to cardiovascular diseases. It is more than infectious, oncological and other diseases, even taken together.
How do illnesses manifest in the spring? Continue reading
Why do we suffer from allergies: treat or ignore?
In some people, seemingly completely “harmless” plants or animals can cause a strong allergic reaction. Some people, with the arrival of spring, rejoice in blooming flowers and trees, while others suffer from a runny nose, stuffy nose and tears caused by a reaction to pollen. For some, an allergic reaction appears on food or house dust. Why is this happening and how dangerous is it for the health to ignore allergies? Continue reading