Cervical erosion: what is it and what is dangerous?
Cervical erosion conceals threats that every woman needs to be aware of. This gynecological disease, which occupies one of the first places in the world. Statistics show that half of…

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Down syndrome: why are "sunny children" born?
About Down Syndrome - a genetic abnormality, heard each of us. It is today, March 21, that the international community celebrates the International Day of People with this Disease. Every…

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Why you need to protect your eyes from the sun: damage to UV rays
The sun's rays contribute not only to the production of vitamin D and a beautiful tan. The ozone layer of the atmosphere is getting thinner every year and the ultraviolet…

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Dangerous rhinitis or how not to miss sinusitis
Changeable spring weather turns for many of us a cold. Often we overcool in the morning, dressed not for the weather, and by the evening we feel unwell, a runny…


causes lower back

Why skin dries so: features of spring care

After a long winter, the skin of the face looks tired. Many people are also worried about excessive dryness and flaking of not only the skin of the face, but also the hands, and especially the legs in the area from the knee to the ankle. Regardless of age and type of skin, she needs constant care, especially in the offseason.
It is still cold: focus on gentle procedures Continue reading

When the throat is constantly hurt: what should be known about chronic pharyngitis?

Chronic pharyngitis is a rather common disease that can significantly damage the quality of human life. We are talking about inflammation of the pharynx and tissues around it, which are regularly repeated. As a result, the patient’s throat is sore almost all the time. Why is this happening and how can this problem be solved?
Causes and Symptoms of Chronic Pharyngitis Continue reading

How to recognize kidney problems

What can kidneys suffer from?
It is the kidneys that are responsible for the release of many harmful substances from our body, therefore their normal functioning is so important. However, it happens that the kidney tissue is affected. This happens due to complications after infections (viral and bacterial), metabolic disorders, the presence of stones. Tumors can also affect kidney failure, with both malignant and benign, autoimmune diseases. Continue reading

Why you need to protect your eyes from the sun: damage to UV rays
The sun's rays contribute not only to the production of vitamin D and a beautiful tan. The ozone layer of the atmosphere is getting thinner every year and the ultraviolet…


Why skin dries so: features of spring care
After a long winter, the skin of the face looks tired. Many people are also worried about excessive dryness and flaking of not only the skin of the face, but…
